It was the last day of the retreat and the final tree ceremony. A bit tired from the heightened receptivity of Hemlock and Camperdown Elm, I wondered what Willow would add to the mix.

Willow Tree's magical properties for me were to release through flexible branches and awaken my heart's dream. The message from the ceremony was: All seeds grow in darkness. Trust you know the way. Trust your instincts. Willow's heart affirmation was: Feel the message, the meaning. Growing light. Seed strength.

Once again, I didn't know what the canvas would end up looking like when I started to work on it weeks after the retreat. What I see in the finished piece is a colorful flickering flame. I also see a tunnel that beckons venturing into, or a passageway or gateway to the inner mind and beyond. Sometimes I see an onion shape on a dark background that reminds me of the message about seeds.  

I began by concentrating on the flexible branches of the Willow tree moving and sweeping upward. The early version of the painting seemed too chaotic. I then focused on the idea of glowing and growing from within, from darkness to light and light to darkness. I rotated the early version painting upside down and got inspired to paint over the chaotic, energetic mesh, while holding onto and preserving the upward sweeping movement. I sensed the emergence of an envelope of sorts, but without strict borders, and a momentary connection to infinite time and space.

The completed painting seems to say more about beginnings rather than endings. I look forward to further communings with nature. I am grateful to Amba and Jeff and all the members of the group who also participated in this retreat. Here we are photographed under Willow. Kripalu was a fantastic location for being with the trees. I understand it took four years to get this retreat approved and on the calendar. My heart is rekindled and forever joyful to have its dreams awakened. I am relinked with my creative spirit and trust I will know the way.